Company structure and quality
Veritas is the value that informs Trafiltubi’s quality policy. Our keywords are historical tradition, culture of innovation, traceability.
Trafiltubi is certified ISO 9001 since 1997; then PED and AD2000-W0. Right now we are on the way for aeronautical certification ISO 9100.
However, even before any certifications, and since ever, our firm has been a production centre inspired by the idea of global quality in its widest meaning. Loyal to its own history, Trafiltubi is based, in the first place, on an idea of business that is not limited to mere profit, but is aimed to the constant achievement of innovative enhancements [see extract (general principles) of Trafiltubi Quality Policy].
In this idea lie the roots of our relationships with our customers (as well as suppliers), ties that are nurtured by a long-time consolidated loyalty and that, far from being a simple matter of “supplying a product”, extend into a continuous research for improved solutions, carried out with a sincere passion.
Just as important is for us the quality of relationships among the people of our staff, employees as well as technicians and internal workers, which breeds the pleasure of team-work.
As part of our transparency policy, we make the diagram of the company structure public.